Analgesic Gases and Oxygen Provider Level 2 (VTQ)

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Nitronox cylinders

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Nitronox Cylinders: Features and Components

1. Cylinder Appearance

Distinctive Colour:

  • The shoulder of Nitronox cylinders is quartered, featuring blue and white sections.
  • White signifies the 50% medical oxygen content, while blue represents the nitrous oxide content.
  • The cylinder body itself is predominantly white, resembling an oxygen cylinder.

2. Cylinder Labeling

Essential Information:

  • Nitronox cylinders are equipped with barcode labels containing vital data, including expiry dates, batch numbers, and fill dates.
  • Shoulder markings may include the cylinder's serial number, manufacture dates, or test dates.
  • These cylinders have a 10-year lifespan and can be retested for another 10 years if they pass examination, indicated by a stamp.
  • Product labels display the manufacturer's details, contact numbers, and safety instructions for handling the gas.

3. Cylinder Regulators

Integral Regulators:

  • Nitronox cylinders commonly feature integral regulators that cannot be detached.
  • The regulator is equipped with a contents gauge, providing real-time gas quantity information.
  • A quick-connect or Schrader-type connector is present for attaching ancillary equipment like demand valves.
  • An on-off switch on the cylinder allows gas flow into the regulator from the cylinder itself.

4. Cylinder Charge Port

Filling Point:

  • A charge port on the cylinder, sealed with a dust cap, is where the cylinders are filled at the production facility.

5. Demand Valves

Key Components:

  • Demand valves used with Nitronox cylinders consist of a quick-connect Schrader-type probe for attachment to the cylinder's regulator.
  • A hose, typically 1.5 meters or 3 meters long, extends from the probe to the demand valve.
  • The demand valve features a test button for system testing and purging.
  • Gas release from the demand valve occurs when it senses a patient's inhalation, allowing for self-administration of the gas.