The Analgesic Gas Cylinder
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Oxygen vs. Entonox Cylinders: A Comparison
1. Cylinder Appearance
Distinguishing Features:
- Oxygen Cylinder: Completely white in color
- Entonox Cylinder: Blue and white chequered neck
2. Cylinder Labeling
Identification Details:
- Oxygen Cylinder: Labeled with "Oxygen" down the side
- Entonox Cylinder: Labeled with "Entonox" or "Nitronox" on the cylinder
3. Size Comparison
Size Distinction:
- Entonox Cylinders are typically slightly smaller than oxygen cylinders.
- Entonox cylinders do not come with a regulator and mask since they are designed for self-administration.
4. Common Components
Shared Cylinder Components:
- Both types of cylinders include a contents gauge, an on/off button, a Schrader valve, and a filling port.
- Notably, Entonox cylinders lack the regulator found on oxygen cylinders.
5. Expiry Dates
Important Dates:
- Both types of cylinders have expiry dates, as they contain drugs.
- Oxygen cylinders generally have a longer lifespan compared to Nitronox or Entonox cylinders and their gas content.